Friday, June 28, 2013

Side Effects

Yesterday Joyce Meyer's Ministries posted on Facebook "God's light shines more through 'cracked pots' than those who seem to have it all together." As I thought about those words, I thought about the examples in God's word that inspire me.
David is said to be a man after God's heart and we all remember the sin he committed with Bathsheba. He suffered the consequences of the sin, yet he also wrote so many beautiful Psalms where he poured out his heart to God. He inspires me to remember how much God loves me and can use me in spite of myself and my mistakes and how willingly God forgives my sin.
Hannah was tormented by her husband's other wife and childless for so long. She inspires me how she prayed to God and walked away as if He had already answered her prayer. God heard her heart and did answer. I want God to be my first resource when my heart is burdened and I want my testimony to be how faithful I believe He is as I leave my request at His feet.
God declared about Job there was not a more righteous man found upon the earth. I will never claim to completely understand this story. I see here that satan was behind all of Job's troubles and sin was not the reason. I believe God had something important to teach Job. When things happen in my life I want to be sure to examine my life for sin that could be the cause. I also want to remember God is always at work and see what He is speaking to me.
There are so many others in the bible I could name. You get my point from these. What I see in their life is not the perfection, no one on this earth is perfect. I see the hurts, the wounds, the healing and most important the blessing that is a direct result of their relationship with God and I am inspired to sit at His feet and draw near to Him like Mary.
My heart's desire is to also be an influence for Him. Relationships and people matter. I want to connect with those who are hurting and I want them to see my Savior, my King. He is my life and my hope. For this I am thankful to Him for "cracking me up" so long as the cracks can be used for His glory.
Awed by His mercy and grace for one such as I,

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