Thursday, June 20, 2013

Holy Spirit Rain Down

I love the way God ministers to my heart. HE knows and intercedes on my behalf, often before I even realize my own need. I love the way HE loves me...
God has truly blessed me with so many Christian friends. These ladies pray with me and for me. I know they are there whenever I need a sister prayer or hug and even to share some tears. This week has been no different. One of my dearest sister friends is so close to The Lord she often texts or emails me before I even ask!! Who but God could do that...put audible words and touch to HIS limitless love for me!?
During one such battle as I sought comfort and guidance from HIS word, I came across a sermon from several years back and the notes I had taken came alive for me that day. I looked to the scripture reference and began to memorize Psalm 91 and personalize it for me....She who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of The Almighty...I will say of The Lord, HE is my refuge, my fortress MY GOD in whom I trust! Yeah satan! How about cannot touch me HERE...God is my refuge....
As I committed more and more verses to memory the fear, the stress, the anxiety was left behind...whom shall I fear? What can man do to me?? What is the worst that could happen...I am going to be okay. I didn't know what to pray....and then I sent an email to those dear to me whom I knew I could trust. One sister friend text me " go to Psalm 91 and read verses one to four. I laughed at satan. I didn't need to look those verses up! Jesus had already prepared my heart and HE was confirming it through my sister friend!
God often speaks to me in this way and for some reason it always comes in threes. I attended a funeral that same week and as the pastor spoke from God's word to comfort and encourage the family can you guess which passage of scripture he referenced? You better believe it Psalm 91. I sighed in peace and awe....only YOU Father, truly YOU love me this much. Never have I deserved it nor will I ever....YOU first loved me and I cherish that love!
May I ever and always glorify YOUR name... YOU alone are worthy of all honor, glory and praise...
Awed by HIS mercy and grace,


Missindeedy said...

Arla, there is nothing sweeter than to come across an old message that I've taken notes on and read through it - only to discover that it deals with exactly what I'm going through at the present time! Such a gift from God!

Anonymous said...

Wow this really hit my heart I love how God knows just what we need and he sends people to provide that word. Thank you for sharing your heart

Anonymous said...

I love when God layers His message so there is no doubt in my mind who is leading.