Monday, February 25, 2008

Ask and ye shall receive...

God woke me at 3 a.m. Saturday morning. He often awakens me in the night and we have some really good time together. I prayed and journaled and planned to go back to sleep but then just felt overwhelmed with the desire to pray for Angela Thomas as she spoke on Saturday. Then I decided to attend and pray for her as she spoke. When I entered the church I had to ask where to purchase a ticket since I had not planned to attend. The lady at the ticket counter handed me a ticket and told me it had been donated for me to enjoy the conference! Isn't that just like God to reward obedience to His voice...
I am so glad that I attended. Angela spoke to single Moms from experience in dealing with her ex. One of the things that I struggle with the most is how to handle Jeff's wrong behavior toward Shanna and Kylea. I do not want to criticize him or negatively impact their relationship. Children are commanded to honor their Father. But I do want to sympathize with their feelings and let them know they are not to blame. Angela said that we as Moms are called to testify to the truth in our children's life. The truth is the behavior is wrong. It gave me such freedom and insight. I went home and wrote letters to both children. I told Shanna that it is wrong for a daughter to graduate from high school and not have a Father sitting in the audience. I told Kylea it is wrong for a Daddy's girl to have to worry about what to say to her Daddy. He should love her and accept her just as she is. The girls and I had a great weekend.... What freedom comes in deliverance from Satan's strongholds!

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