Or maybe God's truth is finally settling in. The atmosphere at our home seems so different now. The freedom and laughter have returned in abundance. My children are behaving like children and allowing me to be the adult! It is so wonderful!
Spent the afternoon with Shanna scheduling all of the things she needs to accomplish to be ready for registration for Nursing School on May 28. I am so proud and so excited for her. There is much to be accomplished...CPR certification, physical exam, immunizations, paperwork, paperwork, uniforms, books, the list seems endless but exciting. I can't wait for her to start and settle in...
And Kylea is moving forward. She is pursuing employment at Arkansas Children's Hospital to better her chances for employment when she graduates. She wants to do Neonatal Intensive Care nursing. I am so proud to see her planning and thinking.
All of these blessings...God is so good!!!
Staff Features: A Glimpse of Grace
5 years ago