Friday, June 28, 2013

Side Effects

Yesterday Joyce Meyer's Ministries posted on Facebook "God's light shines more through 'cracked pots' than those who seem to have it all together." As I thought about those words, I thought about the examples in God's word that inspire me.
David is said to be a man after God's heart and we all remember the sin he committed with Bathsheba. He suffered the consequences of the sin, yet he also wrote so many beautiful Psalms where he poured out his heart to God. He inspires me to remember how much God loves me and can use me in spite of myself and my mistakes and how willingly God forgives my sin.
Hannah was tormented by her husband's other wife and childless for so long. She inspires me how she prayed to God and walked away as if He had already answered her prayer. God heard her heart and did answer. I want God to be my first resource when my heart is burdened and I want my testimony to be how faithful I believe He is as I leave my request at His feet.
God declared about Job there was not a more righteous man found upon the earth. I will never claim to completely understand this story. I see here that satan was behind all of Job's troubles and sin was not the reason. I believe God had something important to teach Job. When things happen in my life I want to be sure to examine my life for sin that could be the cause. I also want to remember God is always at work and see what He is speaking to me.
There are so many others in the bible I could name. You get my point from these. What I see in their life is not the perfection, no one on this earth is perfect. I see the hurts, the wounds, the healing and most important the blessing that is a direct result of their relationship with God and I am inspired to sit at His feet and draw near to Him like Mary.
My heart's desire is to also be an influence for Him. Relationships and people matter. I want to connect with those who are hurting and I want them to see my Savior, my King. He is my life and my hope. For this I am thankful to Him for "cracking me up" so long as the cracks can be used for His glory.
Awed by His mercy and grace for one such as I,

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Holy Spirit Rain Down

I love the way God ministers to my heart. HE knows and intercedes on my behalf, often before I even realize my own need. I love the way HE loves me...
God has truly blessed me with so many Christian friends. These ladies pray with me and for me. I know they are there whenever I need a sister prayer or hug and even to share some tears. This week has been no different. One of my dearest sister friends is so close to The Lord she often texts or emails me before I even ask!! Who but God could do that...put audible words and touch to HIS limitless love for me!?
During one such battle as I sought comfort and guidance from HIS word, I came across a sermon from several years back and the notes I had taken came alive for me that day. I looked to the scripture reference and began to memorize Psalm 91 and personalize it for me....She who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of The Almighty...I will say of The Lord, HE is my refuge, my fortress MY GOD in whom I trust! Yeah satan! How about cannot touch me HERE...God is my refuge....
As I committed more and more verses to memory the fear, the stress, the anxiety was left behind...whom shall I fear? What can man do to me?? What is the worst that could happen...I am going to be okay. I didn't know what to pray....and then I sent an email to those dear to me whom I knew I could trust. One sister friend text me " go to Psalm 91 and read verses one to four. I laughed at satan. I didn't need to look those verses up! Jesus had already prepared my heart and HE was confirming it through my sister friend!
God often speaks to me in this way and for some reason it always comes in threes. I attended a funeral that same week and as the pastor spoke from God's word to comfort and encourage the family can you guess which passage of scripture he referenced? You better believe it Psalm 91. I sighed in peace and awe....only YOU Father, truly YOU love me this much. Never have I deserved it nor will I ever....YOU first loved me and I cherish that love!
May I ever and always glorify YOUR name... YOU alone are worthy of all honor, glory and praise...
Awed by HIS mercy and grace,

Friday, June 14, 2013

He Heals the Broken Hearted

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. (Psalms 147:3 ESV)

Recently someone dear to me has suffered a loss. It is not common knowledge. It was not broadcast or published and therefore most people would not know about the loss. I can see the pain and feel helpless. I have prayed about it and I know God is working. He has promised to heal and bind and He is a faithful God. I don't know whether to talk about it or just wait and be available. I am trusting the Holy Spirit to move and show me. I don't want to make matters worse.

I know He is answering. I can see there is no anger or bitterness...just traces of sadness over the loss and more compassion for others. Maybe that was God's plan all along... It wasn't the hurt or sorrow... Just the extended mercy and grace toward others... That's why we are still here right?!

Love you dearly friend!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Miracles Will Never Cease

Matthew 21:22 "and all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing ye shall receive."

As long as there is God there will be miracles. I don't begin to understand the how's and whys, why are some requests granted while others are not... God alone knows why and I believe when we stand before Him, He will be able to explain. For now I do not have to know, I just trust in simple faith that He knows best.
In my limited knowledge, I am not able to explain; however I do ponder... The story of Job... The bible states Job was perfect and upright, and one that feared God and eschewed evil. My dictionary says that means he deliberately avoided evil. Yet a lot of bad things happened in Job's life as a result of satan. Why satan was allowed to bother Job I know not. I do see the blame for all that befell Job lies with satan. He was allowed to torment Job with hopes Job would turn from God.
God knew Job would remain faithful and God blessed Job for his faithfulness. Still why did it happen?
Perhaps Job had a lesson to learn. Maybe he thought he was self sufficient in his walk without needing assistance. No where do I read where Job asked God for deliverance. Why? Would his torment have been shorter lived if he had cried out to God for deliverance rather than just accepting it as justly deserved?
Several years ago I had a bad health report and accepted it much the same as Job. If this was the master plan then I was going to rock it. I had my testimony planned...all the lives I would impact with my faith walk through this trial and then it was gone. The initial reports were refuted with further testing. Was I misdiagnosed or healed? Only God knows. Why me and not so many others? Again only God knows.
I love Laura Story's Blessings...."Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops?"

Here is one version I found on YouTube:

  • Blessings - Laura Story - LYRICS - YouTube
    Mar 21, 2011 - Uploaded by allyymichelle
    Cause what if your blessings come through raindropsWhat if your ...What if trials of ...

  • Again I don't pretend to know all the answers of the whys and why nots. I just know for me God has always been there. HE listens and answers and even in the "no" HE has only my best at heart

    Awed by God's unconditional love for one such as me,

    Friday, June 7, 2013

    God's Grace and Mercy

    Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16

    When God doesn't answer our prayer exactly how we expected or maybe it seems He doesn't answer at all we truly see how deep the well of our faith lies. Do I still believe HE loves me? Do I trust that HE knows what is best?

    In these moments when we struggle we truly have to be on guard and gather support of fellow believers to pray with us against the attacks of the enemy. These are the moments when satan speaks his lies and we too often believe them. Just as Eve was deceived in the garden, we too can be so easily deceived. The result can be significant as it hinders our prayers. 

    I want to encourage you to stand firm in faith and boldly proclaim out loud "I am a child of the Most High God! HE loves me so much HE sacrificed HIS son for me! HE will never leave me nor forsake me! Devil you may as well flee! You will have no victory over me!" Then, kneel at the feet of the God who loves you and rest in knowing HE always has your best at heart.

    Stomping my feet at the enemy and proudly proclaiming I am in awe of God who loves me so much!

    Thursday, June 6, 2013

    Summoned by Name

    "But now thus says the Lord, HE who created you, O Jacob, HE who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. I give Egypt as your ransom, Cush and Seba in exchange for you. (Isaiah 43:1-3 ESV)

    How truly awesome to be called by God by name! To know that HE wants personal relationship with ME, unworthy as I am and HE will use any situation or circumstance in my life for HIS glory if I willingly allow HIM open access!

    I recently found myself in a situation where I totally wanted to freak out and did not know what to do.  I found myself stuck between two people I care deeply for and wanted to fix the issues they were having with each other. Listening to each my heart went out and I did not want to be forced to choose sides. I could see both sides and realized where both believed they were right. What do I say? What do I do?  How can I fix it?

    The great news is I prayed and stayed out of God's way. God put me in the situation where I could pray and that is all I was called to do! I planned out words of wisdom to speak truth when provided the opportunity and guess what? The opportunity never came! Before I had a chance to speak, before any of the gloom and doom I feared would come to pass happened, God acted and resolved the issue.  HE responded to my prayers. HE listened and HE acted.

    At first I was astonished and then I stood amazed, a little disappointed that I was not the vessel to accomplish a great feat.  What power had been initiated simply through diligent prayer! Now I look to other areas of my life where I am stressed by what may.  Where I am trying to play god! What am I worried about? God has summoned me by name! Nothing escapes HIS eye and when I pass through the waters HE has promised HE will be with me. When I pass through the rivers they will not overflow me and when I pass through the fire I will not be burned, the flame will not consume me. HE has it all under I trust HIM? Do I believe HIM? You bet I do!

    One thing I have learned, I am not GOD and I do not know.  Honestly I don't want to.  It is truly beyond me to fix any situation and to manage people.  I think I will stick to what I do...pray and leave the rest to HIM.  HE alone is GOD Almighty!

    Awed by a God who calls me by name,

    Wednesday, June 5, 2013

    God Speaks

    Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. (Jeremiah 33:3 ESV)
    Daily I am amazed by God who loves me enough to send His son to die for my sins. He loves us so much and He so wants relationship with us. In Jeremiah, He tells us to call to Him and He will answer us. He will tell us great and hidden things.
    I love to ask questions and hear Him speak. To see how He will show up next. When we pray and truly seek His guidance, He will amaze us as He works.  I love the way God works through anything and everything when we are listening for His voice and seeking His guidance. 
    Monday night I went to an event reluctantly as I was tired and it took me away from my family. The questions began, God am I suppose to be here? Really, the family needs me at home… At the event there were dishes of chocolates here and there, you know how we women love our chocolate. These particular chocolates are wrapped in foil and include a word message written on the inside of the wrapper. I opened my chocolate to the words "you are exactly where you are suppose to be.” 

    Call me crazy, but I believe God answered the question of my heart that night through chocolate! Now HE is speaking my language…lol.
    Awed and amazed by a God who loves me so much!