Tuesday, July 31, 2012

That's How You Know It's Love

Julie Gunter has a cd with a song titled "That's How You Know It's Love". It speaks of a lot of scenarios if you are willing to do for someone, then you know it is love.
I included that song in my playlist of love songs. It mirrored my thoughts on what true love really was. It expresses feelings I believe existed between two people yet had never experienced... until Roger.
Two weeks will mark the first anniversary of our marriage. I still cannot believe it has been one year. A year use to be such a long time!
I can honestly say my love for Roger falls along the lines of that song. And I feel his love for me is the same. Never have I felt so incredibly loved!!
I am truly Praising the LORD for blessing me so.... I waited a long time for this!!!
Happy Anniversary Baby!!!!
Awed by His mercy and grace,

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It is time....

For everything there is a time and a season...Ecclesiastes 3. I remember a song based on that scripture. I have not really studied that entire chapter. Reading it just now I sympathize with the author.
Roger and I are approaching our one year anniversary. It is amazing! I have no doubt God has blessed me with this man. He truly completes me and fills so many needs in my life. He came along at the right time and God brought us together. I am so glad I did not let fear keep me from reaching out and claiming that blessing!
As I have embraced marriage and changed jobs both in the same year, I feel like I have lost a lot of time and I know there are things I use to do that I don't do anymore.
It is time for me to move forward in some areas I feel I have somewhat neglected. One area is exercise! I have got to find that ten to twenty minutes a day! Sitting at a desk ten and eleven hours a day is killing me!
More important I need to find a feeding place in His word. I haven't not been in His word this past year. I have my quiet time each day. I just have not found that steak lately that I can chew and savor for a while. Do you know what I mean?
Do you find yourself at times merely existing? It is not that I have stopped doing.... I just feel like I have stopped making progress. So I ask myself the question Why?
Do you feel the Holy Spirit alive in your life? Or are you merely existing? Is it time? Where are you feeding? Would love some suggestions!