Shanna just finished her first Fall rotation (Med-Surg) on the urology/transplant floors. She didn't like the clinical part of the rotation so much, since this is not where her heart is. Her youngest patient was 60 years old, and she'd much rather work with children or babies. She will be starting her OB rotation very soon and is very excited. This could make or break her idea of a future career. Lately, she has been torn between pediatrics and labor and delivery. OB and Pharmacology will finish up in early December and she'll get a much needed 1 month Christmas break. She earned an "A" in the Med-Surg rotation. I've seen so much growth in her confidence in God and herself this semester. The best part was the day she had a test and she texted me and specifically asked that I pray for her regarding the test. In mid-January the Spring semester will begin with half being Pediatrics at Children's and the other half being Psych-nursing. She is really not looking forward to the Psych so much! That's all for now...continue to pray for her as she journeys through nursing school.
Staff Features: A Glimpse of Grace
5 years ago